JustFreeBooks is a free e-book aggregator website that provides a large number of free e-book downloads and reading services. This website aggregates multiple e-book sources, including open domain e-books, open-source e-books, free trial e-books, etc., covering many fields such as literature, novels, biographies, history, and computer science. Users can eas...
Reading: 142 2019-03-27
Painted Journey is a website that records and shares life stories, and there will be no logo of painted journey on your pictures; Only your own pictures and text are available here! Life is a journey, why not cherish the stories worth cherishing on the journey? Everyone can register and own their own painting journey, and cherish their own stories! You can e...
Reading: 142 2019-05-20
Fotobeginer is a Hong Kong platform dedicated to sharing photography skills and fun. It provides basic photography knowledge and gives new players. The first photography must know such as aperture, shutter, ISO, white balance, etc. to interpret various photography problems encountered by novices as an old man. The photography entry-level network is founded ...
Reading: 141 2019-05-20
Pigeon lover is an intelligent leader in pigeon racing and is committed to providing the most scientific and comprehensive intelligent pigeon racing management system. It is composed of pigeon lover app management system, pigeon lover computer terminal management system, pigeon lover intelligent equipment, pigeon lover intelligent pigeon house, etc., and is ...
Programmer inn is a broker platform that provides programmers. It gathers experienced programmers in China. It uses online team development and cloud work to help enterprises solve the problem of software development and technical personnel employment. It provides stable online job opportunities for middle and high-end programmers, including free work, remot...
Children's English star focuses on providing the most complete resources for children. There are original children's English songs and stories, good-looking children's English movies and videos, and fun Children's English games. This is children's English Paradise. Children's English star - focuses on providing children with the most...
We dare to claim to be the truly intelligent software for taking and producing ID photos on the current market. Changing the background color for ID photo production, using software for ID photo production such as CET-4, CET-6, computer exam registration photos, ID cards, social security certificates, visas from various countries, job resumes, etc. You can f...
Pursuing a doctoral degree is very painful. The entire education system seems to be preparing for this moment when you can finally stop consuming and start increasing human knowledge. When you are ultimately expected to self-study. To solve practical problems. Those questions that nobody knows the answer to. But by then, my momentum had slowed down a lot. My...
Reading: 141 2019-03-27
ly Wallpaper magazine, MyWeek series, MyTools series, etc. It is committed to providing media and technological innovation that improves people's lives, serving over 40 million Chinese users.
A professional guitar score and free guitar teaching video sharing website, all guitar scores and guitar teaching videos have been reviewed by professional teachers to ensure the most accurate guitar scores and guitar tutorials are provided. ...
Enterprise social collaboration platform has been a popular term in recent years. Microsoft acquired the foreign company YAML for $1.2 billion, and the IPO valuation of Jive, a social network that went public at the end of last year, was as high as $900 million. Handone focuses on task management, with functions including task management, project management,...
Pressure reduction of heart wave is a mental health platform driven by science and technology, which can effectively help users resist psychological problems such as tension, anxiety, anger, depression, fatigue, insomnia, sleep, inattention, and low efficiency. It was rated as 2016 medical and health annual application, Lenovo store new star award, Weifeng G...
Reading: 140 2019-05-20